June 17, 2009

Until next time...

I will be in Minnesota until Sunday for my cousin's graduation. I'm excited.

But in the meantime here are some things for you to check out.

1. Lo-Fidelity has recently printed Issue 3. FINALLY! Check it out and request your copy.
2. The Broad Set has a new interview with Maryann McFadden posted by Dr. Mullin. Also an interview with Ben Greenman is to be posted. Stay tuned.
3. 50 to 1 just updated with new stories posted. Go read through the flash fiction. Contributors include: David Siegel Bernstein, Ben Brooks, Justin Heifetz, Michele daSilva, Christopher T. Werkman, and Ajay Vishwanathan.
4. Pangur Ban Party release some new short fiction. Husky of Honor by Josh Kleinberg. A good read.

Anyway, until next time...


Currently listening to: Modest Mouse
Song: Summer
Album: The Fruit That Ate Itself


  1. Hey, while you're gone could you write a story and post it? It's getting kind of quiet in the blogosphere.

  2. I've been workin' on one actually. But I can't exactly post it because its for a contest. haha

    Gah life is busy.
