May 29, 2009

Numbers 1-7

Last night I finally watched Notorious. It made me realize how much I actually like Biggie Smalls. Good stuff. I'm gonna listen to some hip-hop during this entry.

A lot of things have been happening recently:
  1. Lo-Fidelity is back in motion. Check the site, submit things, etc. We're looking for some art! But keep sending the writing, too.
  2. The Broad Set Writing Collective has gotten more readers, so more and more people are asking us to review things. It makes me excited.
  3. DJ Berndt was interviewed at HTMLGIANT. Read it here.
  4. Pangur Ban Party is developing a print, soon to be sent out.
  5. PBP was also recently added to Duotrope.
  6. Blake Butler is holding a writing contest - lots of cool prizes. It's also free.
  7. Milo Stevens has a new story up, go check it out.
I'm starting something new with every update. I am going to include the song I am currently listening to. I think this will increase my site's traffic by .05%.


Currently Listening to: 2pac
Song: California Love
Album: Single


  1. Haha, mad props yo! What are you going to do with the novella?

  2. Thanks, Jason.

    Sam - I'm going to keep working on it and hopefully get it published somewhere. Just needed a break.
