I must admit, I'm only writing this blog post to ensure that my personal goal of posting at least 1 blog per year on Blogspot remains true and alive. This special lil homepage has been going strong since 2007.
(It's true -- check the archives in the sidebar!)
Of course, it's also seen many face lifts and refurbishings. Much like that of my friend's pseudonym blog. I guess that's just what writers go through as they evolve with the internet.
Personally, I'm glad my myspace, geocities, and livejournal pages no longer exist. That's a rarity when choosing content platforms these days. Often you don't even need internet archive to travel back in time.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is...
Thank you, dear reader, for sticking around to witness my rambles of human condition. I'm grateful for and appreciate you, and I wish you the best!