March 11, 2009

50 to 1

So I was sitting in class, contemplating why my life has become so unproductive and pointless, when I decided to make a long 'To Do List' of everything I could think of. This could range from things as simple as taking a nap or getting coffee to things as complex as papers due at the end of the semester or submitting an application to become decomP's new print prose editor. Anyway, the point of my worthless rant is that 'Update 50-to-1' was on the list.

So that's what I did just now. Check out several new 50 word storys and/or 1st lines. They won't let you down.

Also, while we're on topic, I am now making this post an official call for submissions over at 50-to-1. We have seen a decline recently and that makes me a sad panda. So if you dabble in the field of flash fiction at all, please take some time and submit something. Chances are you'll be one more step closer to fame.

And be sure to tell people about it. Get lots of people to submit and you win a surprise!


  1. I will submit a "One Sentence" tonight.

  2. Awesome, I can't wait to read it!

  3. You're only 21? When I was 21, I was being stupid. Good luck with decomP, if you did apply.

  4. Yes I am only 21. But I feel like that's old. haha Thanks for the kind words and Facebook add, Molly!
