June 13, 2008

Hot Tub

Hot Tub

I’m underwater.
My hair is stuck in the hot tub’s filter
And the water is burning my face.
I feel little bubbles
Rushing up my cheeks
As I slowly let the air out of my lungs.
Meanwhile all I can do is hope
You’re inside searching
For a pair of scissors.

The Virus, It Spreads

The Virus, It Spreads

Quietly soaking in the soft blue light from the television,
The comforter ripples in motionless heat from two bodies.
Fingers are curled into fists at their moist hips.
Words aren’t spoken or whispered or even mouthed,
As they betray each other with viral fluids
Obtained from preceding partners.

One in a bathroom stall at Dunkin Donuts
The other in a two-star motel on Rt. 73.

June 10, 2008

Grandpa's Muffins

Grandpa's Muffins

Balloons are bizarre
Sometimes I want
To tie a bunch of them
Around my belly and float up

To heaven
And say hi to my grandpa.

One time at his house,
I ate a chocolate chip muffin
That had

One million calories,
No joke.
It was awesome.

I miss him a lot.

June 6, 2008

Reverse Narrative Story... Minimal Revisions

Johnny Depp Drinks Coffee and Wants to Hear How I Got To California for Some Reason

So I sat there, drinking a scotch with Johnny Depp discussing the underlying messages in Pirates of the Caribbean on top of some hotel that I’ve never heard of in Hollywood. I don’t remember how I exactly got there, but somehow I did remember to bring a change of clothes in my backpack just in case I was to spend the night in a dumpster. I had no money, nor did I have any concept of time. I lost my phone (which I think I left in the taxi that I took to get from L.A. to Hollywood) and left my watch at home. No one ever gets this lucky the day they move out there.

I was in line to buy some coffee at some extremely expensive Starbucks rip-off, when Mr. Depp himself spilt coffee down my legs as he spun around from the counter. I wasn’t even aware that he drank coffee, or that it was him in line, but somehow we ended up talking about something casual, I forget what about. And from that he invited me to his suite for a few drinks. He said he was having some of his close friends in the area over just to hang out. I figured I’d go because… well, fuck. It’s Johnny Depp. He was a good guy. I guess once he saw that I wasn’t trying to play him like a celebrity, and treated him like some guy who spilt five dollar coffee all over me, he thought I was okay.

Three hours ago I was on a plane from Newark Airport straight through to Los Angeles. I remember sitting in the leather seat trying to watch SportsCenter on ESPN. The Detroit Red Wings had just won the Stanley Cup the night before, but I had fallen asleep before the end of the game so I was trying to catch the clips; while at the same time drowning out the crying babies and tiny barking rats that people like to call dogs and bring them on air planes in suit cases with air holes and mesh cut out so they can breathe as if they were living luggage. Thanks a lot Paris Hilton.

The ticket cost a total damage of four hundred dollars to my wallet because I chose to buy it about an hour before the actual flight. I decided to fly to California because I wanted to get away from New Jersey. I wasn’t sick of it. I wasn’t mad at the state and I wasn’t going out there to become famous. I just wanted to visit California off a limb. I wasn’t exactly sure why but I figured it was basically because I woke up that morning at seven-thirty to a text message from my neighbor telling me that my best friend had died in a car accident the night before.

June 2, 2008

Untitled Epic Haiku Poem About Mosquitoes

When summer is here
And mosquitoes want to play
The candles are burned.

We soak our tan skin
In odorized repellent
To keep them away.

Yet somehow they come
Still breaking through the blockade
To access our blood.

Puncture our weak flesh
With noses like arctic steel
Urging us to scratch.

Then before you know
Bumps arise around the bite;
Medals of honor.

This way we can say
“It was so buggy last night”
As we sit outside.

June 1, 2008

Written November 2006

The Force Pt II (Control)

Strongly fate was felt. But
A Menace, the Phantom was.
Only made way for
An Attack of Clones
And Revenge so immense
That the lust of control
Conveys only to a new hope…

Written October 2006

The Force

If the New Hope wasn’t over
And The Empire was oppressed,
Then the chance of Return,
Ends with a simple
Control of fate.