October 26, 2018

Wisdom and Rage Against The Machine

Rage Against The Machine taught me to open my eyes.

While I was too young to recognize their message my first time listening to them (back in 8th grade), I was doing my future self a great favor by implanting that ability into my subconscious. Of course, it took years for me to truly understand how to do so, and for what purpose.

I did have to break free of the indoctrinations bestowed upon my first 20 years on Earth, and I’m still digging at that. But here I am - now in my 30’s - finally understanding what they mean by “Bulls On Parade” “Guerilla Radio” and “Sleep Now In The Fire.” 

The lyrics mean something more to me now.

I’ve finally met myself deeply enough to recognize my process of learning and understanding. I can read between lines and access my thinking in a way I wasn't able to at 13 years old. I attribute that to the roots they cultivated back in middle school.

As I write this, sitting in my backyard at the beach, listening to the frustration Zac’s voice, in Tom’s wailing guitar, I can understand what it feels like to be awake. Or maybe - I should take that back - to be my most woken self. To appreciate the rage, the machine, and how it all connects.

I imagine with this growth mindset I’ve been developing, my 60 year-old-self will be much wiser than my current self. (At least, I’d hope so.) Hopefully, I make it that far and I’m not engulfed in another HAARP hurricane or develop Alzheimer's from the constant over-stress of being American working class. Forget the recedingly gray hairline. I just want my mind right.

It’s funny you know, one minute you’re trying to better yourself, you get more sleep, download Headspace, go to the gym. The next thing you know, you’re 10 minutes into a meditation session and you can’t get “Testify” out of your head because you listened to Prophets of Rage while working out and it linked back to your subconscious childhood memories. You reflect and you grow.

I owe my ability to trace back thoughts to Headspace and my educational background with psychology. But honestly, it feels like Rage Against The Machine had that seed planted long ago.

With their vinyl set recently released, I find myself nostalgic and grateful for their existence.

My eyes are open to myself and the world but don’t ask me to explain how I know. You’ll think I’m crazy.


Thank you for reading, friends! You are my biggest influence. If you eNJoyed this, please comment and share. Feel free to check out the BingBangCo. newsletter for more. Stay learning. Much love!

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