December 7, 2008

The Big Project

So I hope you are all ready for this announcement...

Next semester, it is finalized that I will be writing a novella for course credit under the supervision of Mickey Hess.

Did I disappoint you? I hope not. I will be sad if I did. But hopefully this will gain some attention and widen my fan base. If I have one at all.

My plans are as follows:

- to write a 60-75 page novella
- finish it by May 2009
- get an A on the project
- send it out to publishers in hopes of their pleasure after reading so they will want to print it
- get you to read it and love it
- maybe talk about what its about in the future

As of right now I can't discuss what it will be about. But I'm sure I'll end up telling you. I hope you will all want to read it when it is done. And then I hope after you read it you'll say to yourself, "Hey this wasn't half bad... I think I'll pass it on to my friends in hopes that they will enjoy it."

What do you think? Send any feedback my way.


  1. writing project! surprise, surprise. I'm excited. It sounds fantastic. I have tried many a time to write a novella, but, knowing me, I get a couple chapters in and lose interest, inspiration, or my writing turns to crap..

    good luck!

  2. Haha, its a big surprise. PSYCHE! But it should be fun. Hopefully everyone will get to read it.

  3. Congratulations, dude. That's awesome.

  4. punk

    victory in japan

    those are my thoughts right now

  5. DJ - Thanks, I'm excited.

    PHM - 'rock' and 'tokyo' are my thoughts right now

    Jason - Thanks! I told you my secret project thing wasn't as cool as yours.

  6. You don't yet know what my secret project is, though. ;)

  7. I'm sure its way cooler than mine.
